Inductive Track Guidance

General information about the product category "Guide Wire for Track Guidance"

Sketch HG G-19200

Guidance Antenna

Photo multifrequency sensor HG G-19321ZA

Multiple Frequency Sensor | Inductive | Indoor | Analog Output | insensitive to crossing wires with the same frequency

Photo multiple frequency sensor HG G-19330ZA

Multiple Frequency Sensor | Inductive | Indoor | Analog Output

Photo HG G-19331

Guidance Antenna for Inductive Power Transmission – Analog Signal

Photo HG G-19333

Guidance Antenna for Inductive Power Transmission with Profibus-DP

Photo HG G-19334

Guidance Antenna for Inductive Power Transmission — CANopen®

Photo Inductive Guidance Sensor HG G-19370ZC

Inductive Guidance Sensor, Multifrequency, CAN, Profinet, USB, Incremental Encoder

Photo HG G-19533

Multi frequency inductive sensor

Photo HG G-19534

Inductive Track Guidance Antenna | Outdoor | Analog Output

Photo track guidance antenna HG G-19535ZC

Inductive Track Guidance Antenna | Multifrequency | Outdoor

Loop filter HG G-50875-A

Loop Filter / Blocking Filter

Photo of the frequency generators HG G-57400 (left) and HG G-57401 (right)

Frequency Generators

Photo frequency generator HG G-57405

Frequency generator in top hat rail casing

Photo inductive frequency generator HG G-57500-D

Frequency Generator

Photo HG G-73350ZB

Interpreter for Inductive Track Guidance - for the connection of 2 antennas / interfaces: CANopen® HG G-73350 & Profibus HG G-73351

Photo Track Finder HG G-81933

Track Finder for the testing of Guide Wires

Photo System Components HG S 80400

Wire Break Detection System

Calculation of the Inductance of Wire Loops and output of matching Götting Generators