Overview of the Götting products that use Open Source software.
If you have questions or want to receive source code licensed under an open source license please send us a written request (mail, fax or email) to one of the following addresses:
Götting KG
Celler Str. 5
D-31275 Lehrte
Fax +49 (0) 5136-8096-80
E-Mail opensource@goetting-agv.com
If you want to receive source code licensed under open source licenses from us please detail the name/product number and firmware version of the product for which you want the source code. Please also detail how you want to receive the source code and how we can contact you (our privacy policy).
Note: Please note that we will ask you to pay us the costs of a data carrier and the postal charges to send the data carrier to you. The amount depends on your location. We will ask you to approve the costs before we send a data carrier. This offer is valid for three years from the moment we distributed a product and valid for as long as we offer spare parts or customer support for that product model.
Alternatively you can download the source code for the products listed below without a fee from our web site or the web sites of our partners.
Unfold the boxes below by clicking on the titles to learn more about the respective products and get access to the downloadable sources.
Laser Scanner HG G-43600
For more information about the laser scanner please refer to the product page for HG G-43600. The laser scanner contains software whose right holders license it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), version 3 (GPLv3) and/or other open source licenses. You have two alternative possibilities to download the source code.
The source code is hosted on our German website goetting.de.
- All sources compressed into a 7z archive (includes all files from possibility 2)
- Overview of the projects. Download of mountable ISO images (uncompressed content of the 7z archive from possibility 1)
WLAN radio modems HG G-76343 / HG G-76344 / HG G-76345 / HG G-76346 / HG G-76354
The WLAN radio modems of the following types use a firmware from the same partner:
The firmware for these devices is provided by our partner modas mobile Datensysteme GmbH. These devices contain software whose right holders license it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), version 3 (GPLv3) and/or other open source licenses. Please follow this link to get the source code from the modas web site: https://download.modas.com/Source