WLAN Radio Modem for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks (version for 802.11 ac) / Serial / Ethernet / USB / Version with LTE/5G
The client adapter HG G-76343/4/5/6 is used for operation in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) according to the standard 802.11a/b/g/n. The usage of a 32-Bit ARM processor enhances the throughput performance. In addition to standard encryption according to WEP64/128 and TKIP/AES further security measures according to the 802.1x standard are available (WPA(2), EAP and more).
Security Notes
- Starting with Firmware 2.11b a fix is included for the vulnerability issue known under the name KRACK ("Key Reinstallation Attack") in the security standard WPA2.
- Firmware 2.12r and higher include security related updates, for more info see the complete Changelog. The firmware 2.12w1 has a new kernel that closes the security gap that became public under the keyword "FragAttacks".
- Firmware 2.14: All firmware versions of line 2.14 contain security relevant updates related to line 2.14, see also complete Changelog. Those still using firmware 2.12x do not need to update to 2.14 for security reasons. Those who have any version of 2.14 installed must keep it up to date.
The radio modem is available in different variants. The differences are the casing and the number of available interfaces. All variants can use the firmware file and can be configured with the MC-Config program attached at the bottom of this page. You can find a detailed variant overview in the data sheet attached below. The variants are:
- HG G-76343 (1x serial / 1x LAN)
- HG G-76344 (1x serial / 2x LAN), also available as a version with either Public LTE (4G), Private LTE or 5G, s. data sheet HG G-76344-A LTE in the downloads
- HG G-76345 (no serial / 4x LAN)
- HG G-76346 (small AGVs / KATE)
- all variants are available in a version ac with 802.11 ac, s. data sheet HG G-76343-76344-76345-A ac in the downloads
Connection of 1 serial device (RS 232) and 1 LAN device to a WLAN
- No modification of hard- or software required
- Transparent, bidirectional transmission with all control lines
- Transmission rate on the serial interface up to 460,8 kBaud
- Optional usage of the serial interface with RS485/RS422 protocols
- LAN Port with 10/100/1000MBit Auto MDIX
Perfectly suited for mobile vehicles like fork lift trucks and AGVs
- Input voltages from 10 to 72 VDC galvanically separated for battery operation or Power over Ethernet (PoE)
- Current consumption <= 5 W, ideal for standby operation of battery-powered vehicles
- Temperature range 0 to 60o C
- Relay contact triggered via WLAN for re-activation of vehicles in standby mode
- Robust aluminium casing with different options for fixing (strap, top hat rail)
- Voltage supply and relay contact via screwable M12 plugs
- 2 antenna connectors (Diversity)
- Different antenna plugs, RP-SMA (standard), RP-TNC (optional)
Latest technology and superior usability
- Powerful processor with low current consumption and enough memory resources for fast roaming and short authentication times, start-up time approx.15 s
- Configuration and software updates with a web browser via LAN and WLAN or REST-API
- MC-Config: Dedicated program for the localization, configuration and status monitoring of several
- HG 76343 in a network
- Encryption according to WEP with 64/128 Bit + TKIP/AES
- Security according to 802.11i WPA(2) and 802.1x with certificate management (EAP-PEAP, -TLS, -TTLS, -LEAP)
- Data rates of up to 300 MBit/s, frequency band 2,4 GHz resp. 5 GHz
- Compatible to former Access Points according to 802.11b / 11MBit
- USB interface for firmware updates and for the logging of system messages on USB memory sticks
- The USB port can also be used to connect extensions that give e.g. additional serial or I/O interfaces
Open Source Compliance Information
The firmware of the radio modems described on this page includes software code developed by third parties under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). More information about the terms of use and how to access the GPL code and LGPL code used in this product can be found on our Open Source page.
Firmware Update Notes
To get to the latest firmware version intermediate steps are necessary that depend on the firmware version currently installed on a device. If this procedure is not followed, the radio modem could become unusable and must be sent in for repair afterwards. The intermediate steps are shown in the following diagram:

Flowchart: Intermediate steps when updating to the latest firmware version
The following applies:
- After loading a new firmware into a radio modem, this new firmware must run for 2-3 minutes before performing the next step. In no case a reset must be triggered nor may the power supply be disconnected during this time.
- If the MC Config program is used for the update, always the latest version of this program must be used (available via the downloads below).
- It is recommended – especially for major version upgrades – to save the configuration of the radio modem as a file. This can be done e.g. with the MC Config program: Select device > Config key > Save to File.