Video for the Project AKIT-PRO – Autonomy Kit for Emergency Vehicles
Research Projects
Overview of news about our research projects
With the help of the kit, emergency vehicles can be automated or made remotely controllable in the shortest possible time in disaster situations
Presentation of our head of development as part of Roadshow 5G(at)Mittelstand of DIHK.
The digitalization of combined transport is now underway
Götting KG now operates its own private 4G/5G Campus network on the company premises
Götting provides know-how in the field of autonomous navigation for a racing car
Götting is part of the consortium
Götting and the IPH Hannover are nominated for "TCmobile"
Götting has shown the results of the joint project SaLsA in action during the Hannover Messe 2013
Safe autonomous Logistic- und Transportation vehicles in Outdoor Areas
16-sided text with photos and sketches that formed the basis of an article in the Port Technology News ®