HG 75430 (old)

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Photo HG 75430

HF Wireless Data Communication Transceiver 500 mW

Transceiver module HG 75430 represents the state-of-the-art transceiver technology for industrial low-capacity systems of the 70 cm band. Optimized technology and minimization of elements to be adjusted, guarantee long-term stable operation even under aggravating conditions.

The HF transceiver is equipped with separate synthesizers for transmitter and receiver and therefore reaches extremely short switchover times (max. 2 ms). State-of-the-art GMSK modem chips enable reliable transmission with low bit error rates at low reception levels.

Digitally temperature-compensated reference quartz oscillators (option) allow powersaving operation within a large range of temperatures. The HF transceiver can easily be parameterized using a PC or microcontroller connected via the integrated serial interface. Built-in service functions allow carrying out radio communication testing.


  • Multichannel transceiver unit for various applications in wireless data transmission
  • For applications in logistics, materials handling, stockkeeping, industrial and public transport, security engineering, pollution control, etc.
  • Integrated service functions
  • Comfortabel interface for PCs or microcontrollers
  • Type approved in the following countries: A, CH, D, DK, E, NL, PL, UK, USA
  • Type approval pending in the following countries: P


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PDF icon Data Sheet HG 75430 Rev. 02 (PDF)136.77 KB24.06.2013
PDF icon Device Description HG 75430 Rev. A (PDF)235.32 KB24.06.2013
PDF icon Test Protocol according to I-ETS 300220 (PDF)257.23 KB24.06.2013