Laser Scanner for Navigation

Photo of the laser scanner

with Integrated Orientation Controller

Lehrte, Dezember 16th 2009 — HG 43600 series laser scanners — successfully applied over the past for the navigation of Automated Guided Vehicles / AGV - have been extended by another type. A completely new developed orientation controller has been integrated into the latest version.

Applying a modern high performance microcontroller with a softwarealgortithmus completely - developed by our company - allows the real- time calculation of position and orientation. These features significantly reduce the work required to integrate the device.

Animation Laser Scanner

The output data can be processed directly from the optional track guidance controller HG 73650 to the vehicle control system via interfaces and protocols. The modular principle of the total system provides a universal and flexible variety of applications in different types of vehicles. The open CAN interface will allow the user to cover the application of particular solutions for specific trackguidance requirements.

Product page HG 43600 Product page HG 73650

Contact person: Sales International

Götting Quick Guide Last updated: 11/2024

Götting KG founded in 1965, ist an innovative company placed in Lehrte near Hannover (DE) and works worldwide. The company develops and produces wireless data communication systems and sensors for automatic track guidance of so-called automated guided vehicles (AGV). As far as we are informed Götting KG has the largest product range of different components for trackguiding AGV.

Further main topics are traffic technology, RF measuring, wireless data communication in general as well as customized developments for car manufactureres, electronic- and radio broadcasting industry. Currently our company employs 80 professionals of which about 30 are experienced masters in engineering and are responsible for research and development.

The core competency of FOX – a special department of Götting KG – is focused on the automation of serial vehicles, especially for the outdoor area (trucks, pay loaders, fork lifts etc.).